View Profile ChaosSymphony


Joined on 7/25/07

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Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:
MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?

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Age/Gender: n/a, Male

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Level: 4
Aura: Dark

Rank: Civilian
Blams: 5
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Exp. Points: 100 / 180
Exp. Rank #: 175,512
Voting Pow.: 3.52 votes

BBS Posts: 2 (0.02 per day)
Flash Reviews: 5
Music Reviews: 4
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Entry #1 Newer Older Jump to Entry: [ 1 ]


Posted by ChaosSymphony
Oct. 19, 2007 @ 11:36 AM EDT

How do we while away our time enthroned upon the loo?
What idle deviations will the average person do?
Some contemplate their naval, others simply like to read
And one or two eat biscuits, what a funny place to feed
Some people write graffiti, thats a pretty common prank
While others less creative have their minds completely blank
Some folks have conversations with the occupants next door
While others sit in silence simply staring at the floor
Yes people do so many things whilst sitting on the throne
It's strictly confidential cos they're meant to be alone
The smokers have a crafty fag, the lazy take a nap
But most of us are there because we need to take a....


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on this.

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The People Have Spoken4 Comments

Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:
MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MeatwadSprite says:
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:
MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:32 PM MaddFlash says:
Entry #1
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Posted by ChaosSymphony Oct. 19, 2007 @ 11:36 AM EDT

How do we while away our time enthroned upon the loo?
What idle deviations will the average person do?
Some contemplate their naval, others simply like to read
And one or two eat biscuits, what a funny place to feed
Some people write graffiti, thats a pretty common prank
While others less creative have their minds completely blank
Some folks have conversations with the occupants next door
While others sit in silence simply staring at the floor
Yes people do so many things whilst sitting on the throne
It's strictly confidential cos they're meant to be alone
The smokers have a crafty fag, the lazy take a nap
But most of us are there because we need to take a....


Yes u are allowed to make a flash
on this.
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The People Have Spoken

Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:

Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:

MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MeatwadSprite says:

Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:
MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?

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Age/Gender: n/a, Male

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Level: 4
Aura: Dark

Rank: Civilian
Blams: 5
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Rank #: 122,049

Whistle Status:

Exp. Points: 100 / 180
Exp. Rank #: 175,512
Voting Pow.: 3.52 votes

BBS Posts: 2 (0.02 per day)
Flash Reviews: 5
Music Reviews: 4
Trophies: 0
Stickers: 0

Entry #1 Newer Older Jump to Entry: [ 1 ]


Posted by ChaosSymphony
Oct. 19, 2007 @ 11:36 AM EDT

How do we while away our time enthroned upon the loo?
What idle deviations will the average person do?
Some contemplate their naval, others simply like to read
And one or two eat biscuits, what a funny place to feed
Some people write graffiti, thats a pretty common prank
While others less creative have their minds completely blank
Some folks have conversations with the occupants next door
While others sit in silence simply staring at the floor
Yes people do so many things whilst sitting on the throne
It's strictly confidential cos they're meant to be alone
The smokers have a crafty fag, the lazy take a nap
But most of us are there because we need to take a....


Yes u are allowed to make a flash
on this.

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The People Have Spoken4 Comments

Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:
MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MeatwadSprite says:
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:
MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:32 PM MaddFlash says:
Entry #1
Newer Older

Jump to Entry: [ 1 ]
Posted by ChaosSymphony Oct. 19, 2007 @ 11:36 AM EDT

How do we while away our time enthroned upon the loo?
What idle deviations will the average person do?
Some contemplate their naval, others simply like to read
And one or two eat biscuits, what a funny place to feed
Some people write graffiti, thats a pretty common prank
While others less creative have their minds completely blank
Some folks have conversations with the occupants next door
While others sit in silence simply staring at the floor
Yes people do so many things whilst sitting on the throne
It's strictly confidential cos they're meant to be alone
The smokers have a crafty fag, the lazy take a nap
But most of us are there because we need to take a....


Yes u are allowed to make a flash
on this.
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* Technorati Favorite with Technorati
* Yahoo Save to Yahoo! MyWeb

The People Have Spoken

Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:

Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:

MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MeatwadSprite says:

Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:30 PM MeatwadSprite says:


Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:31 PM MaddFlash says:
MaddFlash says:

FUN! Flash is not fun. It's hard work. Make good flash or gtfo.
Oct. 19, 2007 | 12:28 PM A responds:

actually, flash is actually very fun to make, i've had loads of experiences making flash for my work place and it was great to make.

it's fun to watch around the portal which is what i've been doing today. i know it's hard work aswell or else the flash itself wouldn't be really good, would it?

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Age/Gender: n/a, Male

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Level: 4
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Rank: Civilian
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Rank #: 122,049

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Exp. Points: 100 / 180
Exp. Rank #: 175,512
Voting Pow.: 3.52 votes

BBS Posts: 2 (0.02 per day)
Flash Reviews: 5
Music Reviews: 4
Trophies: 0
Stickers: 0

Entry #1 Newer Older Jump to Entry: [ 1 ]


Posted by ChaosSymphony
Oct. 19, 2007 @ 11:36 AM EDT

How do we while away our time enthroned upon the loo?
What idle deviations will the average person do?
Some contemplate their naval, others